Student Action Plan:
- Take the right courses to earn your Hawaii High School Diploma.
- Take challenging courses and consider going for an Honors Recognition Diploma.
- Attend school regularly and get the best grades possible.
- Participate in extracurricular activities and volunteer opportunities.
- Record your extracurricular activities and volunteer work in your Naviance resume.
- Meet with your counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate from high school and reach your college & career goals.
- Take the ACT on Leilehua High School's Testing Day in February. It is free and students are automatically registered.
- Take the SAT in May or June of your Junior Year. Register on line at Fee Waivers are available for Juniors who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Visit Hawaii DOE website for eligibility and on line application information.
- Register for NCAA Eligibility and/or NAIA Eligibility if you want to play Division I or Division II college sports. Fee Waivers are available for Juniors and Seniors who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
- Take the ASVAB if you are interested in joining the military. It is offered at Leilehua High School at least two times per year. Register in the CCC in HH101.
- Narrow your career choices in Naviance or on Careers in Hawaii or Occupational Outlook Handbook or Career One Stop.
- Narrow your college choices on Naviance or College Board.
- Build your "Careers I'm Interested In" and "Colleges I'm Thinking About" lists on Naviance.
- Write your personal statement/college essay for college admissions and scholarships. Get tips from College Board and
- Research how to pay for college on the College Board and Federal Student Aid websites
- Complete Advisory lessons in your Advisory class.
- Go to iPrep, college fairs, college visits, and college field trips.
- Participate in a summer opportunity related to your career interest or college exploration: internship, college camp, college class, etc.
Parent Action Plan: 11th Grade